Sunday 9 August 2015

7 fav breakfast options

I've had a slight obsession with breakfast lately and sometimes I wish I could just eat breakfast 5 times a day. But I try to resist the temptation (not always successfully) and eat something other than this deliciousness too :p

So this post is dedicated to my lovely friend, who also loves breakfast and has been on my case for not posting on my blog for too long ;) She's a fellow blogger as well, who is way better at posting than me :P Check out her blog on!

So here are 7 of my favourite breakfast options, yuuuum

1. Smoothies

Strawberry, banana and oat rice milk smoothie

Strawberry smoothie with amaranth puffs

Winter delight - mandarine and perisimon smoothie

Winter smoothie in xmas colours

2. Smoothie bowls

Green smoothie bowl with red grapefruit and granola

Very berry smotthie bowl

3. Baked oatmeal

Baked banana oatmeal with homemade forest fruit jam 

4. Eggs. Poached, scrambled, boiled,.. 

Soft boiled egg with chilly flakes

Scrambled eggs and avocado

5. Millet porridge

Cooked millet with strawberries on the side

Chocolate porridge with cocoa nibs and raspberries

Berry millet 
Coconut, almond and blueberry millet

6. Breakfast poached egg and veggie toast

Breakfast 'burger'

7. Pancakes
Coconut and strawberry buckwheat pancakes

Gluten free banana pancakes with raspberries, pistacios and homemade chocolate sauce

Thursday 9 April 2015

Raw and vegan raspberry 'cheesecake'

 Last week my sister and her family came home for a visit from Germany. Yaaaay <3 I get super excited and giddy when the come for a visit, because I miss them so much when they're gone. My big sis' is defenitely the one I would turn to for everything and anything, she is the best friend I could ask for. And Kristjan, her husband, is the most amazing big brother. So thanks guys, for everything <3 And then, to make things just a little harder, they have the most beautiful, happy, smart  baby girl, named Lorelai, who is just amazing in every way.

   And as it happens, her birthday fell on easter weekend ths year, which means we could celebrate it together. Kristjans birthday was just two weeks before, so they decided to throw a small get-together for friends. 

So, this weekend, when they celebrated their birthdays, I decided to make a delicious raw 'cheesecake' cake for them, to show them how awesome I think they are.
1/2 cup dates
1/2 cup walnuts
pinch of  salt
2 cups cashews (soaked overnight)
juice of 1-2 medium lemons - add slowly, to taste
1 vanilla bean
1 c. raspberries
agave syrup - add slowly and to taste
1/3 c. coconut oil
  • Soak the cashews overnight or for a few hours at least.
  • Blend all the crust ingredients togetker inthe food processor untill there are no big pieces left and they bing together on their own.
  • Press the mixture into the bottom of a cake pan.
  • Mix together coconut oil and agave syrup - you can heat this up a little so the coconut oil melts.
  • Mix in the lemon juice, vanilla seeds and cashews and blend blend blend, until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Pour half of the mixture over the crust and put in the fridge or freezer for about half an hour, just to help it set - this is just so you get nicer layers and if you don't have the time, you can skip this step :D
  • Add the raspberries to the remaining cashew mixture and blend until the mixture in fully combined -  I like it when there are little raspberry chunks here and there, so I didn't blend it that well :D
  • Place the cake in the fridge overnight or until solid. If you want to speed this up a little, you can put it in the freezer for a while.
And that's the whole science behind this amazing vegan and raw raspberry 'cheesecake'. <3 

My sister <3 

Thursday 26 March 2015

Gluten and dairy free pancakes

Hey there, lovelies :*

I've been eating prety much the same thing for breakfast for awhile...But today, I woke up with a huge craving for pancakes. I haven't had pancakes for at least 4 months, since I was told to avoid gluten and lactose by my phisician.

But today, I woke up determined that I wasn't going to let my food intolerance steal the joy of eating pancakes for breakfast. So I made up this recipe and they were so deicious, that I had to share it with you asap :D

This recipe makes 2 pancakes, each comes in at about 220kcal.

  • 100ml rice milk
  • 2 tbs buckwheat flour
  • 3 tbs coconut flour
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1 small apple - shreded or chopped
  • about a shot of sparkling mineral water 
Sparkling water- add this last, you can chance the amount to get the batter consistency you want. I would not recomend it being too thin, because you want your pancake to stay nice and thick. The sparkling mineral water will add some air to the batter, making your pancakes fluffier 

Mix all the ingedients together and pour half of the batter onto a preheated slightly oiled pan - I use coconut oil. Bake until bubles form on top of the pancake, then flip and bake on the other side until it's nice and golden brown.
Repeat with the other half of the batter.

Voila and bon apetit :D